Double Down on Retention

Today’s working environment is interesting. Organizations are battling to find and keep employees, and most of them are going about it the wrong. They might think they are doing things to keep top talent, but in reality, they are probably driving top talent away.
Organizations improve when people improve. If you want better results, better outcomes, better engagement, better productivity, better efficiency and better effectiveness, focus on improving the performance of your people. Do this by giving them meaning, by giving them fulfillment in their role and by giving them engagement in what they do. Create a mindset of “opportunity” (get to) not “obligation” (have to), and allow them to see the value and impact they bring.
Also, find out what is energy for them (things they enjoy doing in their role), what is stuff for them (things that drain energy) and help them spend more time on energy-driven activities that drive results. Create clarity, create alignment and create purpose in their roles and responsibilities. Do these things, and you will have a greater output and product with the results you’re trying to drive.
3 Things to Focus On:
Develop Great Leaders
This doesn’t mean simply providing them “leadership training.” Most leadership training isn’t connected to the overall strategy of the organization. Provide development for your leaders that connects to their everyday environment. Follow up on that development with appreciation and accountability. Ensure that any leadership development becomes ingrained in the way your leaders interact with their people to drive real results for your organization. Leadership development must be practical, tactical, “blend” into everything leaders already do (not “something else”) and connect to the overall strategy of the organization. If this isn’t happening, then organizations are not truly providing leadership development. They are just “checking the box” around this topic.
Focus On Stronger Working Relationships, Engagement And Fulfillment
- Focus on truly understanding your people. How do they want to grow? What are their goals and how do their goals tie into the goals of the organization? How do they feel they contribute and add value within their role?
- Create clarity around goals and expectations throughout the organization. Ensure your team members know what you expect of them and also what they expect of you. Establish alignment to these goals and expectations. Communicate these goals and expectations regularly to cultivate an environment where everyone is truly working together to drive results.
- Create a shared experience through open communication, feedback and being open to new ideas. Your people have great ideas — listen to them and implement things that will drive impact. And, recognize them when they identify helpful solutions or impactful initiatives.
Realize It’s An Ongoing Effort
Focusing on your people must be an ongoing effort. You can’t do this once a quarter or once a year. Retention must be front and center daily. All of these efforts must blend into all duties and responsibilities of your leaders. Think about getting in shape. You can’t go to the gym and eat healthy for a week and expect to be fit. Also, if you stop working out and eating right, you can’t expect to maintain the same results. It’s an infinite game with people. See this as a to-do item daily and drive retention into everything you do. People drive your organization and results, not the other way around.
If you focus on these things, you WILL set yourself apart from other organizations. Common sense is not always common practice. Don’t let the simplicity of these ideas fool you…make these ideas “i-dids” inside your organization.
Most organizations say they do these things, but in reality, these things get pushed to the side as other competing priorities take precedent. Be an organization that truly weaves this into your everyday environment and reap the rewards of greater engagement, fulfillment, retention and results.
If you are struggling right now with these things and are looking for solutions, let’s talk.